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Visible contact marks resulting from electroplating operations shall be confined to the interior of the wrenching and drive openings. Surfaces of the electroplated tool shall be adherent, smooth, continuous, and free of visible defects, such as blisters, pits, roughness, cracks, and uncoated areas. Surfaces shall not be stained or discolored and shall have a bright appearance.
The electroplated tool shall be clean and free of damage. The tool shall be tested for adhesion of electroplated materials in accordance with ASTM B571, Standard Test Methods for Adhesion of Metallic Coatings, by one of the following methods: Grind-Saw, Push, File, or Burnishing. Phosphate. Wrenches shall have a chemically produced phosphate coating followed by a coating of rust preventive. Oxide. Oxide coated wrenches shall have a coating consisting of a chemically produced oxide followed by a coating of rust preventive. Alternative Coatings. Alternate coatings maybe used in lieu of nickel - chromium and shall be subjected to the Alternative Coating Test as specified below. Alternate Coating Test.
Test Preparation. The quantity and condition of the wrenches used for the following testing shall be per the manufacturer’s standard practice or as mutually agreed to by the manufacturer and the General Services Administration.
Adhesion Test. Sample wrenches shall pass the file or grind-saw test of ASTM B 571, Standard practice for qualitative adhesion testing of metallic coatings.
Abrasion Test. Sample wrenches shall have no base material exposed after being subjecting to l 00 liters of falling sand per ASTM D 968 Method A, Standard Test Method for abrasion resistance of organic coatings by falling abrasive.
Corrosion Test. The exterior surfaces of sample wrenches shall be tested for corrosion resistance by exposure to a 72-hour salt spray test, as specified in ASTM B 117, Operating salt spray (FOG) apparatus, without falling below the ASTM B 537, Standard practice for rating of electroplated panels subjected to atmospheric exposure, rating of 6.
4.1 Recovered Materials. The offeror/contractor is encouraged to use recovered materials to the maximum extent practicable, in accordance with paragraph 23.403 of the Federal acquisition Regulation (FAR).
5.1 Product Conformance. The product provided shall meet the salient characteristics of this Commercial Item Description, conform to the producer’s own drawing, specifications, standards, and quality assurance practices, and be the same product offered for sale in the commercial market. The government reserves the right to require proof of such conformance.
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